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Project CPR

Bring life back to your projects.

Resuscitation Starts Here

We are here and ready to perform our tailored “Project CPR” analysis on your project portfolio to help evaluate how our approach can help wrestle some challenged or failing projects back to success.

WIB’s “Project CPR” can help deliver value quickly and effectively, streamlining decision making and providing teams the timely feedback that is necessary for successful projects. Take a look at your in-flight projects and ask yourself if a paradigm shift might be needed.  WIB is ready and willing to start CPR to get your projects back on track.

There is an old proverb that says that “you can’t truly solve a problem until you understand the nature of the problem you’re solving.”  Which is why at WIB, we always ask the question, "what are some of the fundamental reasons that projects fail?"

Over the years, numerous articles and studies have attempted to discuss why failures are so consistent with IT projects. The “Chaos Study” produced by the Standish Group year after year identifies the poor job that the IT industry does in general with delivering projects. Some say skills are the key or possibly a new approach like Agile will bring better results and in some cases this is true.  However, the failure rate of projects is still abysmal in general.  Compare IT Projects to other types of projects like construction and civil engineering. Imagine if we accepted the same failure rates in our civil engineering projects as in IT, our public infrastructure would be in shambles.

Instead of immediately embarking on a mission of process improvement (which is typically the approach most organizations take to increase success rates of projects), a paradigm shift is needed to truly address the failure problem.

One core issue, seldom addressed, yet fundamental to project success is Decision Making. We underestimate the complexity of projects and tend to like to capture projects in Gantt charts and task lists. We reform teams to enable more autonomy and independence. However, we continue to maintain a task-centric view of projects. For every task, there are possibly dozens of decisions that must be carried out, some of which are very straight forward while others are interrelated and ubiquitous.

As shown in the image below, decision making is core in an IT project. From initial planning and strategy through to code development, decision making is the primary activity that controls the majority of effort that goes into an IT project.

By this time are you asking, "What does Decision Making have to do with WIB and Rapid Composite?" It’s simple, with Rapid Composite you streamline the decision making within your teams by being able to immediately scrutinize the solution. In Rapid Composite, you are essentially creating the application in real-time.  You do this - in many cases- without programmers using expertise from those that know exactly what they want. Traditional projects extend over significant periods of time and there is little immediate feedback. With Rapid Composite, the traditional information flow between analysts, documentation, architects and finally programmers, is minimized and the final product is reduced to a few clicks of the mouse.

Rapid Composite will not eliminate all project decision making hurdles but can provide a shortened lead time between expectations and reality. The project starts from the perspective of keeping things as simple as possible. While the WIB approach leverages Rapid Composite to deliver results as quickly as possible, our customer teams are able to stay focused on the key needs of the new application. 

To learn more about our Project CPR analysis of your project portfolio click below.

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